Class meets once a week for 6 weeks, on the same day and at the same time each week. Each classroom session lasts for 55 minutes. Choose a starting date/time to register for that 6-week series.
The cost of the 6-week series is $200. Class size is limited to 6 dogs.
Learn more about Mondio Obedience here! Mondio Obedience is arguably the most challenging (and absolutely the most fun) competitive obedience venue available. There are six different exercises in the first level of Mondio Obedience (Heel, Stay, Retrieve, Food Refusal, Send Away, Positions). This six-week session covers Heel, Stay, Food Refusal, and some trial preparation activities. Several different methods will be offered for teaching the Food Refusal exercise, and each dog will have individual support and coaching for the method that works best for them. Mondio style Heeling and Stay challenges will be presented each week, and some class time will be devoted to preparing dogs for the trial environment, specifically: waiting to be called onto the field, passing other dogs and people on the way to the gate, relinquishing equipment at the gate, and waiting calmly while you 'check in' with the judge. Mondio Obedience training benefits from group participation in some activities. A portion of class may be each team working one at a time while the other dogs wait in the car or in a crate (bring a crate if this is your preference). You will learn a great deal by playing a role in your classmates' solo sessions. The small class size allows for individual coaching and problem-solving time. This class will be held outside when possible.
The instructor for this class is Chad Byerly. Chad and his German Shepherd Dog, Sagan, earned their MR3 title in 2019.
Mondio Obedience: Food Refusal, Gate & Check-In, Heel & Stay is a reward-based class. Treats, toys, play and praise are generously utilized. Chad recommends that you bring your dog to class on a flat buckle collar or harness. Bring a six-foot leash, lots of tasty, healthy treats, a tug toy (or two) and whatever will help your dog wait quietly for their turn, when necessary (car-crate, chew, radio, shade-cloth, etc). No equipment is allowed on the field during a Mondio trial, therefore the goal is to practice at least some portions of class off-leash (or at least simulate working off-leash). You may wish to bring a long-line so you can work your dog safely "off-leash".
Mondio Obedience is for friendly or neutral dogs who can safely work in close proximity to people and within sight of other dogs without lunging or barking.