Family Dog Manners


We’ll coach you through basic obedience behaviors like sit, down, stay, wait, walk nicely, greet politely and come when called. We’ll help you progress by showing you where and how you can raise criteria, providing challenges appropriate to your dog’s skill level and temperament, and identifying and communicating areas of potential improvement in technique. Pick two or three behaviors to work on each session. Family Dog Manners Private Coaching Sessions are for family dogs — bring the whole family!

We are having some temporary difficulties with the scheduling tool.  Please use the tool to find available slots, then send us an email at and let us know

* what type of session you’d like
* when
* with whom

We’ll put you on the schedule and send you an invoice.  Thank you for your understanding.

Select Trainer *
View upcoming available dates.
Click and select appointment time to begin registration.
Would you like a Helper dog available at this appointment (+$45). If you do not think you are ready to work with a helper dog, leave the checkbox blank