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Adolescent Dog Class


The cost of the 6 week series is $200.  Choose a day and time to attend and register for a 6-week series.  Rolling enrollment.

Entering Adolescence
For friendly young dogs up to 12 months old
Life & classroom skills, paying attention to owner around other people and dogs. Learning to settle in exciting environments. Practicing good habits while out-and-about. Walking, recall, greetings.

Class Duration

Class meets once a week for 6 weeks, on the same day and at the same time each week. Each classroom session lasts for 55 minutes. Entering Adolescence is a rolling enrollment class. Start any week.

Cost & Size

The cost of the 6-week series is $200.


Life & classroom skills, building good habits. Paying attention to owner around other people and dogs. Practice walking on leash and coming when called, polite greetings with people. Handling distractions in the environment learning to focus on and follow the owner around distractions, and by learning to settle even when exciting things are happening nearby. The small class size allows for individual coaching and problem-solving time. Portions of this class may be held outside, weather and activity permitting.


The instructor for this class is Chad Byerly. Chad can help you understand your dog's developing motivations and how to direct that enthusiasm into appropriate outlets.

Tools & Methods

Entering Adolescence is a reward-based class. Treats, toys, play and praise are generously utilized. Chad recommends that you bring your dog to class on a front-clip harness or a flat buckle collar or regular harness. Bring a six-foot leash, lots of tasty, healthy treats and a tug toy (optional), settle mat (optional), and management chew (optional).

Who It's For

Entering Adolescence is for friendly young dogs up to one year old at the time they start class. As long as your dog is old enough to have received his first rabies vaccination, he may register for this class. Young dogs who are likely to lunge at bark at other dogs in the class should look at our options for On-Leash Reactivity instead.